What Is The Difference Between Sleep Apnea And Narcolepsy?
Narcolepsy and sleep apnea both are sleep disorders that have a serious impact on your day-to-day life. Both of these issues cause disturbances in your sleeping pattern. The fact that both of these…
Does Your Jaw Click or Pop? What it Could Mean
What should you do if your jaw makes cracking, popping, or clicking sounds? That depends on what’s causing the noise. Normal Jaw Popping There is a circumstance where jaw-popping is normal. This is…
Qualified TMJ Disorder Care
If you suffer from jaw pain, you may feel like this is something you need to learn to deal with. You may wonder if there’s any hope or help to give you relief…
Here’s Why Your Jaw May Hurt More at Night
Have you noticed that your jaw seems to hurt the most first thing in the morning when you wake up? That’s no coincidence. Sleeping can be destructive to your jaw in a few…
Is Your Jaw Pain Related to Poor Tooth Alignment?
Have you heard dentists or orthodontists suggest that crooked teeth can cause TMJ pain? It’s true: tooth alignment can play a role in straining your jaw. Here’s why: Crooked Teeth Are Bad for…
6 Frequently Asked Questions about TMJ Pain
You’ve probably heard a few people complain about having “TMJ” while rubbing their temples and wincing in pain. Now that your jaw has started to ache, you’ve got a few questions about what…
Olympic Inspired Athleticism May Cause Olympic Inspired Accidents
Why is it that everyone is glued to the televisions during this month to watch the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang? Is it to watch the amazing feats of athleticism? Is it to fuel…